Dr. Kathryn BurkgrenSeason 2Episode 1
In another episode of Simply Feedback, we speak with Dr. Kathryn Burkgren, a certified Presence-Based Executive Coach, as she shares her advice on giving difficult feedback and how she overcame personal challenges with dyslexia to get the career she wanted.
Bio and Transcript→
Robb HolmanSeason 1Episode 11
Our next guest on Simply Feedback, Robb Holman, CEO of Holman International and best-selling author of Lead the Way and All In, shares what inspired his Inside Out philosophy and the five areas you can delve into so you can discover your personal purpose.
Bio and Transcript→
Steve Van ValinSeason 1Episode 10
In another episode of Simply Feedback, Steve Van Valin, Founder and CEO of Culturology, discusses his upcoming book, Amplify! The Power of Meaning at Work and ways for leaders to reengage their people and build a feedback-rich environment.
Bio and Transcript→
Lauren WilliamsSeason 1Episode 9
In another episode of Simply Feedback, we speak with Lauren Williams, founder of Workplace Harmony and co-founder of Williams & Quigley, as she shares tips on how to make a transition to a different career path and her own personal journey from Finance to Human Resources.
Bio and Transcript→
Rob FazioSeason 1Episode 8
Our next guest, Dr. Rob Fazio, managing partner of OnPoint Advising and president of the 9/11 inspired nonprofit, Hold the Door Open for Others, discusses his book, Simple Is the New Smart, as well as insights on what drives people and finding ways to grow through adverse experiences, trauma and loss.
Bio and Transcript→
Dwayne TuckerSeason 1Episode 7
In this episode, we speak with Dwayne Tucker, Founder of DT Consulting, CEO of LEAD Public Schools and Senior Advisor with Compass Executives as he talks about how his passions for recruitment, entrepreneurship, and equality in education shaped his journey from HR exec to CEO along with how he is now infusing the organization’s leadership model throughout.
Bio and Transcript→
Morgan MassieSeason 1Episode 6
In another episode of Simply Feedback, we talk with Morgan Massie, Consultant at Avion Consulting, as she shares what highly effective coaches do across different industries, whether it be in a sports or organizational context, and other highlights from The Five Coaching Conversations, A Research-Based Model for Maximizing People’s Performance and Potential, that she co-authored with her Avion colleagues, John Gates and Steve Williams.
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Sarah GuaySeason 1Episode 5
How do we bring back the humanness in human resources? In this new episode, we speak with Sarah Guay, Vice President of Human Resources at HEMIC (Hawaii Employers Mutual Insurance Company), as she talks about her passion around making a more human workplace as part of HR and her own feedback experience that shaped her career and commitment as a leader.
Bio and Transcript→
Carol Vallone Mitchell, Ph.D.Season 1Episode 4
Our next guest, Carol Vallone Mitchell, Ph.D, Co-Founder of Talent Strategy Partners, covers the topics of gender bias and leadership with insights from her Amazon Bestseller, Breaking Through “Bitch”: How Women Can Shatter Stereotypes and Lead Fearlessly, as well as an intro to her upcoming book, Collaboration Code: How Men Lead Culture Change and Nurture Tomorrow’s Leaders.
Bio and Transcript→
Caroline VanovermeireSeason 1Episode 3
In this episode, we speak with Caroline Vanovermeire, EMEA Director for Talent Leadership and OD at Dentsu Aegis and founder of Effra Consult. She’s a trained Psychologist and Coach who is passionate about people and helping employees stay on top of their game. She talks about how she balances work and family life and especially how businesses would really flourish from doing an HR detox.
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