4 Types of Feedback

Feedback Doesn't Have to Be Hard

Whether you coach others on feedback or want to improve your own ability to make the best use of feedback, this series of short weekly videos will help you and those you work with.

Video (1/3) - Feedback on Knowledge & Skills

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Get a weekly video tip to help you stay in the best mindset to use feedback for your growth. Use the form on this page to sign up for more tips.

What’s in the Series?

Here’s a sample of topics we address in the weekly video series you can sign up for.

  • How to De-escalate Emotional Feedback
  • How to Remove Blind Spots
  • How to Depersonalize Feedback
  • Why You Should Make Your Mistakes Visible
  • What to do with Feedback Based on Incomplete Info

View the Next Video

What do you do with feedback related to a belief? Watch the second video in this initial 3-part series to find out.