Feedback Jiu-Jitsu

The Art of Receiving Feedback

Do You Handle Feedback Well?

A lot of people and organizations invest in learning how to give feedback. Why not invest in how to receive it? After all it’s the receiver who needs to act on the feedback.

Do Any of the Following Describe You or Your Team Members?

  • Feedback induces a lot of anxiety
  • People don't seem to give feedback well
  • You're afraid to give constructive feedback, so people don't get the feedback they need to grow
  • You want to be recognized as having a growth mindset
  • You feel stuck or stagnant in your career
  • You've been trained on how to give feedback but not on how to receive it

Get the Course on Sale!

The course is new in this on-demand form.
We want you to try it and give us feedback!
Right now it’s available at a significant discount!

“This is one of the most cogent and compelling presentations, and I recommend it highly for everyone. Clear and interesting delivery, excellent takeaways and practical tips… I will be sharing immediately with our management team and beyond.”

– Ellen Turner

Why Feedback Jiu-Jitsu?

Why do we call this Feedback Jiu-Jitsu?

Glade Holman shares how we apply Jiu-Jitsu philosophy when working with feedback.

What’s the Process?

The process is simple. Just follow these three steps.

1. Click the Link

Click the button below (or any on this page) to go to the Udemy site and register.

2. Register on Udemy

On the Udemy course site, register for the class. (You may need to create an account.)

3. Enjoy the Course

The course has an hour of great videos, plus assignments to help you learn the techniques.

“I have attended many conferences, seminars and webinars. By far, Feedback Jiu-Jitsu: The Art of Receiving Feedback is one of the BEST seminars that I have ever taken. Very informative, excellent takeaways, and great examples. I highly recommend it.”

– Theresa Waters

What's Included?

This course is designed to help you receive feedback graciously and act on it visibly for your personal and professional growth.

The Course Covers

  • Why feedback is critical to your career.
  • How neuroscience explains your body’s reaction to feedback and how to better control that response.
  • Six moves that can help you avoid the fight-or-flight response to feedback and even feel comfortable seeking feedback.
  • How these six moves can even be used to make you a better feedback giver.

Feedback Exercise with Instructor Guidance

The course has an hour of video presentations, along with a real feedback exercise to practice applying what you have learned.

The exercise includes the opportunity for guidance from the course instructors. You can apply what you have learned and receive guidance as you ask someone you know for feedback!

How Will You Benefit?

Group at a Training

We all give and receive feedback. Most feedback training focuses on how to give feedback. That is a great skill, but you'll become a better feedback giver as you learn how to receive it. Because none of us can control who gives us feedback or how well they'll do it. Your time and money will be better spent learning how to receive feedback well.

This training will give you:

  • A vision for how beneficial feedback can be and the opportunity it creates
  • An understanding of the neuroscience that helps explain why we tend to react to feedback the way we do
  • Steps to avoid triggers
  • 6 "moves" that will help you receive feedback graciously
  • Tips on why and how to act visibly on feedback

Catching this vision and learning to receive feedback graciously and act on it visibly, regardless of the type of the feedback or quality of delivery, is liberating and can help you take charge of your own career growth.

(The course is on sale for a limited time.)

Not Ready for the Course?

Check out this free video series.

There are 4 types of feedback we receive, In this video, Glade Holman highlights the four types and how we can address the first two.

You can check out the next video on how to address the third type of feedback. If you find the videos helpful, sign up for free and get weekly videos that can make you a feedback guru.

Feedback Tips